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The MS9-5s succeeds the MS9-5 while keeping its reliability and analytical performance and moreover is faster and easier to use.

Find :

·          CBC with execution speed up to 70 tests per hour

·          Touch screen

·          “XP-like” Windows interface



·          Blood sample volume : 60 µl with programmable dilution rate

·          29 parameters with 5-part-differential :

WBC; Lym (%,#); Mon (%,#); Neu (%,#); Eo (%,#); Ba (%,#); RBC; Hb; MCV. Hct; MCH. MCHC. RDW-CV. RDW-SD. µRBC%; Macro RBC%; THR; MPV; Pct; PDW; Mode; Median; µTHR%; Macro THR%

·          3 histograms and 1 scattergram :

RBC, PLT, Eos. Scattergram : for WBC

·          Digital pre-programmed banks :

·          Male, Female, New-Born

·          1 control bank and 200 digital programmable banks

·          3-level control blood management program

·          Touch screen
